
Just in case you only need 3 hours to complete your GT 6-Hour Update, this is perfect for you. Choose from over 250 online courses to create your own personalized 3-hour bundle. Each course is presented by recognized authors, trainers, and practitioners in gifted education, including Joyce Juntune and Lisa Van Gemert. These on-demand courses are easily accessible and available at your convenience. Meeting the state’s GT update requirement has never been easier.

If 3 hours is not enough, click here to see the 6-Hour GT Update bundle.

Add to Cart or Click Here for District Pricing


With this bundle, you can create a personalized 6-hour update and meet the state’s requirement for returning GT teachers. Teachers can choose from our extensive library of engaging courses to fulfill their unique needs.  

Watch a demo of one of the courses: View Demo

Each course is mapped to NAGC standards and is presented by recognized authors, trainers, and practitioners who have made careers out of improving GT education. Core Areas include Creativity & Instructional Strategies, Differentiated Curriculum, Identification & Assessment, Nature & Needs, and Social & Emotional.

Here are just a few of the over 250 courses to choose from:

      Presenter Bio

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      Core Area

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      Grade Level



      Course Content


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