
Presenter: Ayo Jones, Noodle Nook
Core Area:
Instructional Planning and Delivery 1C, 1E; Knowledge of Students and Student Learning 2A, 2C; Content Knowledge and Expertise 3B; Learning Environment 4A; Professional Practices and Responsibilities 6A, 6C; Planning 1.2, 1.3; Instruction 2.1, 2.3, 2.4; Learning Environment 3.3; Professional Practices and Responsibilities 4.2, 4.4
Grade Level: 
Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 0.5

As a SPED educator, you don’t just want to help your students thrive academically while in school. You also want to help them meet their postsecondary goals. Part of helping a student with disabilities become successful in school is preparing them for their future beyond the classroom.

In this 30-minute course from Noodle Nook creator Ayo Jones, you’ll learn the best ways to prepare students, parents, and campus leadership for the transition to postsecondary success. You’ll learn both practical approaches and legal requirements to keep in mind as you support your SPED students.

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Supporting a student throughout their educational journey is only part of the job that educators do for students receiving special education services. Federal law and state guidelines mandate that our educational programming support a student through their transition to postsecondary and support their future outcomes.

In this course from Noodle Nook, Ayo Jones outlines ways to prepare students, parents, and your special education department for secondary transition. She provides concrete steps that need to be taken to ensure a student has the best chance at postsecondary success.

This session is part of the Special Education Self-Assessment Series. The series is all about self-evaluation and gaining a better understanding of things you should do to meet your legally mandated obligations for supporting your SPED students.

In this 30-minute course, you will learn:

  • How to prepare parents for secondary transition
  • How to prepare students for secondary transition
  • How your team can best support student transition
  • Reminders to stay in line with federal guidelines

Most importantly, you will answer a series of self-assessment questions to determine how to improve your classroom, campus, and district support of students as they transition to the postsecondary. If you work with special education students, have a campus leadership position, or guide policy decisions for your district, then this is a practical course for you.

Presenter Bio

Ayo Jones is an experienced special education teacher, successful instructional coach, and charismatic professional speaker. Driven by her love for all things special education, Ayo provides educators teaching students with significant disabilities exactly what they need to survive and thrive. In her over 15 years in education, she has coached hundreds of teachers, trained thousands of educational professionals, and developed curriculum for tens of thousands of students with disabilities. She is a regular consultant to multiple school districts and educational support centers throughout Texas and beyond as well as in West Africa, where she does outreach to underserved students.

Ayo is the founder of Noodle Nook, an online resource for teachers in special education, providing tools for classroom success. She hosts a teacher podcast, is a published author, and delivers curriculum to teachers worldwide, including Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. Best known for her engaging public speaking, Ayo’s captivating presence and witty delivery have made her a sought-after professional trainer.

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