
Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
Core Area: Nature & Needs
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1 

This course is intended for parents of gifted students.

Imagine making a lifelong, unattainable goal. How would you feel day after day, year after year of continually not reaching your goal? Would it lead to frustration…anxiety…depression? That is the experience of a perfectionist as Lisa Van Gemert, M.Ed.T., explains in “Perfectionism in the Gifted Child.” In this 1-hour course, you will learn the different ways perfectionism is expressed and gain practical strategies for helping students overcome failure.

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No one can be a perfectionist because no one is perfect. And perfectionism is an occupational hazard of the gifted. Although giftedness and perfectionism often go hand-in-hand, perfectionism can have many “faces” and may look different in each individual. In this engaging and practical course, Lisa Van Gemert, M.Ed.T., explains how damaging perfectionism can be and how its strengths can be harnessed for good.

In this 1-hour course you will learn to:

  • Identify the five faces of perfectionism in gifted children
  • Build strategies to change perfectionism from unhealthy to healthy
  • Classify global failure from beneficial adversity
  • Utilize Barbara Clark’s model for overcoming failure

Presenter Bio

Lisa Van Gemert shares best practices in education with audiences around the world using a combination of neuropsychology, pedagogy, experience, humor, technology and sheer fun. She is an expert consult to television shows including Lifetime’s “Child Genius,” and a writer of award-winning lesson plans, as well as numerous published articles on social psychology and pedagogy and the book, Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing Never Good Enough. A former teacher, school administrator, and Youth & Education Ambassador for Mensa, she shares resources for educators and parents on her website giftedguru.com and is co-founder with Ian Byrd of the Gifted Guild, a professional community for educators of the gifted. Lisa and her husband Steve are the parents of three sons and live in Arlington, Texas. 

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