Are you ready to create an IEP?

Do you feel confident in your ability to put together a high-quality and legally compliant IEP? If you’re not used to working with an IEP, it can be difficult to figure out each step and your role in it. 

Since 10-15% of all students have a disability that could affect their learning, it’s important to grasp the process of putting together an IEP. Teachers from any subject may encounter a student who has an Individualized Education Plan or who needs one developed for them. Every teacher should understand what an IEP is and how to create one to best serve their students. 

IEPs are based in a legal framework, so it’s essential to follow educational laws when creating one. Educators are tasked with creating a meaningful plan that’s focused on supporting a positive outcome for students. IEPs shouldn’t be a rushed afterthought, but rather a well-developed plan for success.  

Constructing an IEP doesn’t have to be difficult

Students with disabilities are only able to thrive when educators do their part to create an environment that supports their learning. An IEP does this by addressing the specific needs of your students and creating a plan that will allow them to learn at a pace that is right for them.

Professional SPED educator Ayo Jones says that the IEP process and documents are a critical part of academic success for students with disabilities, but the importance is often understated. Ms. Jones is a celebrated Special Education teacher and speaker. 

After more than 15 years of training teachers and creating SPED curriculum, Ms. Jones founded Noodle Nook, an online resource for teachers in special education that provides tools for classroom success. In her course, The IEP Process — 6 Steps to an IEP, she uses her years of experience to help teachers confidently create an IEP. 

Understanding the IEP process for educators

In this 45-minute course, Ms. Jones unpacks the six steps to creating a quality IEP. Each step is broken down into an easy-to-follow explanation that will help you deepen your knowledge of the topic. You’ll learn the definitions of common IEP acronyms and exactly how the legal process affects both IEPs and your school. 

The course covers topics like:

  • Legal guidelines for IEPs
  • The pre-referral phase
  • Referral
  • Evaluation
  • Eligibility determination
  • Developing an IEP
  • Implementing an IEP

Become a confident IEP creator

Any educator who might play a part in the IEP process will benefit from this informative course. This course was designed to fill in the gaps left by other training for teachers who need to brush up on the entire process of creating an IEP from start to finish. Without the proper understanding of the IEP process, educators can make costly mistakes that delay the student’s accommodations and can cause legal trouble for the school. 

Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll understand the process of creating a legally sound IEP that empowers students to thrive.   

Want to learn more about creating IEPs? Watch a demo of this course now and discover more information on the course page. 

Course Spotlight

Get ready to learn all about Individualised Education Plans, or IEPs, with Noodle Nook founder Ayo Jones.

Ms. Jones is a veteran SPED educator who uses her years of experience to help teachers confidently support their students with disabilities. In this 45-minute course, you’ll learn about the six steps to creating a quality IEP that follows the legal requirements for supporting SPED students.

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