5 Techniques to Foster Team Flow

Are you looking for ways to improve the workflow of your team? What effect does flow have on team cohesion and success? Identifying and developing the qualities of a great education team requires plenty of practice and continuous communication.

Veronica V. Sopher is a dynamic school communication leader with over 20 years of experience in K-12 leadership. She has served as the chief communications officer for several large and mid-sized school districts, all while providing the leadership, vision, direction, and execution for major district communication programs, strategies, events, and activities.

Sopher believes in the power of self-care and its dynamic impact on customer service, leadership development, and team-building, especially in grades K-12. Veronica breaks down the steps required to build and support a successful educational team in her course, The Art of Building a Team.

1. Establish Clear Goals

“As a leader, how often are you recalibrating with your team?” Veronica strongly suggests doing this often to establish a shared goal and vision. “Being aligned is really going to help your team grow.” Setting clear goals serves as the foundation based on your school’s mission.

2. Outline Simple Tasks

Writing out simple tasks for each team member helps to support the overall vision and achieve your educational goals. Veronica compares this to “understanding where all the puzzle pieces are going to go” and sharing them with everyone for ultimate cohesion. She recommends making time for daily team check-ins to discuss accomplishments, goals, and any obstacles that may be getting in the way. “When that exercise starts to flow nicely with your team, then you’ve created some great synergy.”

3. Give Timely Feedback

“Feedback is really the fuel that’s going to help drive your team.” Veronica urges the importance of giving your team members permission to speak freely and share their creative ideas. This should be something that team leaders encourage and discuss on a regular basis to ensure transparency, open communication, and optimal team flow.

4. Assess Strengths & Weaknesses

Veronica describes having the ability and skills to complete tasks as “an assessment of people’s natural gifts, their natural talent, and their passions.” Make sure they are focused on the task at hand, and be mindful of individuals’ strengths and weaknesses. She explains how “It can be a recipe for disaster when you allow someone to do a task that they are not skilled to do.” The best way to help your team succeed is by focusing on their strengths and offering opportunities for them to grow and expand their skill sets when the time is appropriate.

5. Provide Team Support

Finally, Veronica describes how you can foster team flow by being a strong team-builder. “You need to give your team tools, resources, and positive affirmations that they’re doing the right thing.” When you offer constructive feedback with respect, it will resonate much better with your team. Ask yourself, “How are you protecting your team’s priorities?” And most importantly, remember to recognize and celebrate each team member’s contributions in a way that’s genuine and meaningful to them.

Interested in learning more about how to effectively build a team? Explore the course demo on The Art of Building a Team today!

Course Spotlight

In this 30-minute course, you will learn:

• The science of workflow
• How to improve team workflows and communication
• How to process improvements
• How to best support your team

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